Dear Friends,
I would not normally send you two newsletters in one day, but I was very disappointed to discover that the Spotify links I’d embedded in Four by Four #16 had been stripped out. So, I am sending a corrected version of Four Things To Listen To, so you can hear that music if you want to. I hope you enjoy it.
Four Things To Listen To
I can’t not include the video of this song, which became the anthem of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement in Iran. If you would like to listen with English subtitles, click here.
Two Pieces Inspired by Saadi’s Golestan
I know that, technically, this means there are five things to listen to, but I like both these pieces a lot, so consider the extra one a bonus.
Gulistan, by Kaikhosru Sorabji
Gyulistan Bayati Shiraz, by Fikret Amirov
Mystics And Fools, by Axiom of Choice
Where Are You? Kayhan Kalhor, Ali Bahrami Fard
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